What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a powerful tool with which I can accurately, quickly and precisely determine structural, nutritional, emotional and acupuncture meridian imbalances in the body. I can then test exactly what the body needs to correct any imbalance.

I simply use brief and gentle pressure on limbs to test the neurological response of muscles when the body is faced with `challenges'. These may be anything from a sample of food to a physical movement or even recalling a stressful event. I then test again to find out what your body needs, at this moment, to correct any imbalances caused by the challenge.

For instance I can tell you exactly what foods your body is intolerant of and exactly which system is affected. Or I can assess exactly which vitamins and minerals you are deficient in, exactly how much you need to take and in what form to be most effective.

Treatments may be:

  • gentle massage or touch to points on the body
  • stimulating acupuncture points without using needles
  • a variety of supplements such as herbs, vitamin, oils, minerals, flower essences, homoeopathic remedies
  • advice on dietary changes
  • advice on relaxation techniques


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